Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Buying a Used Plasma or LCD TV

When it comes to electronics, buying new is generally the safest strategy. However for budgeted consumers, buying a used TV may be the only viable option.
At Boise LCD, we provide a 1 year warranty on anything we sell or service. Used TV sets usually don’t come with warranties, unless they’ve been refurbished by the manufacturer in which case there may or may not be a manufacturer warranty. Without a warranty, the most important aspect to look for in a used TV is the age and frequency of use.
Frequency of Use
LCD and Plasma TVs generally last around 50,000-65,000 hours of use. The mileage may vary for less reputable manufacturers. Before purchasing a used TV, make sure to find out when the TV was manufactured and how long it’s been used. Keep in mind that Plasma TVs have a set half life after which their brightness levels halve. LCDs, on the other hand, are backlit by a bulb that is sometimes replaceable.
Price and Purchasing
Since the motivation for purchasing a used TV is price, used TV consumers should look for good deals on reliable machines. Much like buying a used car, it’s important to find the right price for the amount of mileage currently on the machine. Checking online for deals on used TVs is a good place to start. Another place to look for used TVs would be repair shops; oftentimes you can find a refurbished TV at a fraction of the cost of new units. Another possibility is buying a used TV off a friend or a neighbor who’s preparing to a new home. Since Plasma and LCD TVs are becoming popular household furnishings, it’s not uncommon to find good deals for TVs at moving sales among neighbors or friends.
Picture Quality
When buying a used TV, be sure to test out picture quality. Sometimes TV sets that have endured prolonged use may have a dull look. Also make sure to check if there are any burnt pixels on the screen; although these may not impact the picture quality significantly, they can be used as a bargaining position to lower the selling price.
Cables, Settings, Jacks
Always check to see if all audio jacks and cable inputs are functional prior to purchasing a used TV. Also makes sure that the display settings and menus on the TV set are working properly. Since audio jacks and inputs are vital for DVDs and stereo speakers, purchasing a TV with broken inputs is reason for significant price reduction or a pass altogether.
Buying a used TV, with proper research and consideration, can be the perfect solution for price conscious consumers. However keep in mind that some deals, like many things in life, are too good to be true. Be weary of outrageous deals that seem unbelievable, even used TVs have their proper price range. When it comes to purchasing used items, the most important things to consider are mileage and price. The more hours a TV has been used, the shorter its lifespan regardless of how good its condition.

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